Amanda Galvan

designer and developer

About Me

Hi there! I’m Amanda and I’m currently in my final year studying Graphic Design at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I’ve had a passion for Web and Graphic Design since high school where I had the opportunity to become an Adobe Certified Associate in Illustrator, Flash, and Photoshop. Nowadays I regularly use InDesign and Premiere as well. At the moment I’m happy employed at Candy V Designs, a local creative agency ran by the best boss, but I continue to do freelance projects whether it be art or design!

I’ve also competed in the 2016 ACA World Championships, placing 8th worldwide. It was definitely one of the best and most unforgettable experiences of my life. For my portfolio, you’ll currently find projects I’ve completed from 2018 to the current day!


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

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